Support Accessible Yoga

We are committed to giving back to the communities that currently have no or little access to yoga. We do this in two ways:

1.   A portion of The Happ:y Mat’s profits will be donated to support accessible yoga with a local, Madison WI organization called YAFA (Yoga Accessible for All).

2.   We have made the cost of using The Happ:y Mat obtainable for academic communities. We provide a substantial discount to research organizations when they use our products.   

Research & Development in pictures: 1. Evolution of The Happ:y Yoga Mat exhibited by our designer at UW-Stevens Point; 2. Yoga instructor using an early prototype; 3. Paul demonstrating The Happ:y Yoga Mat Magnetic Instructional Tools; 4. Research gathering session using the latest version of The Happ:y Yoga Mat with the Special Olympics.